upside down smiley face

Upside Down Smiley Face, 8 Reasons A Guy Might Send You One

Ok so why am I even interested in what does it mean when a guy sends you an upside down smiley face. I’m not, in the specific phrase anyway, it’s just a question I saw come up recently and it made me think about trivial thing we allow to effect our relationships. 

Imagine you are getting to know someone, or you are in a relationship, and something as small as an emoji can become a point that requires attention. I think we can agree that this would be pretty silly.

I know we mostly communicate with Gif’s and emoji’s nowadays, but you shouldn’t put so much weight on things that mean so little .

So when I heard this question come up, I thought it was pretty ridiculous, but then I thought that I use this emoji all the time, and I can respond to an entire thread with one emoji.

Truth be told, I don’t like to message much, I prefer to talk to you in person. So I realized that I do actually use emojis to mean one thing to me, but never really think about the person on the receiving end. 

What Does the Upside Down Smiley Face Emoji Mean?

For me personally, I can use it for so many different things for so many different situations. But just to give you one or two, or ten! 

  • Sarcasm
  • Feeling silly or something is goofy.
  • Feeling upset
  • Feeling awkward
  • Feeling angry or embarrassed
  • You’ve outdone yourself, and you’re feeling like a super-human: 
  • You’re panicking but want to look calm on the outside.
  • Just to end a conversation

Taking things in the wrong context

So you can see how a single emoji can be misconstrued right, everyone uses it in a different way. But still, I wouldn’t put too much importance on it. 

If you are ever unsure about what someone means in a text, just pick up the phone and call them. We recently talked about what a guy says when he misses you, and a large part of this depended on context too. 

I have gotten myself into so many arguments and bad situations because I judged the context of a message wrong, Or becuase the content of my message was taken in the wrong context. 

The best way to deal with any miscommunication is to actually communicate right. Don’t let your thoughts start churning, when it may not even be an issue, you are just making it that. 

I came to an agreement with one of my ex partners that we would either call each other or use voice notes. I read in to things too much, and I am aware, so we came to a compromise. 

So just a short one, but what I am saying is to always consider tone and context, and never assume, always be sure before you make a mountain out of nothing.