What Men Secretly Find Attractive: A Candid Insight

What Men Secretly Find Attractive: A Candid Insight

Like many articles written on dating topics relating to men, the majority of them are written by women. Sure, women have a perspective, but I never find them representative of what I know I secretly find attractive in a girl.

What do men find attractive in a woman physically? Why do men find breasts attractive? Why do men find butts attractive?

All of these questions have answers, but they vary from each man. Also, any article written on this topic by a woman would have gotten their information from experience and conversations with other women. 

Even if you ask a guy what he finds attractive in a woman, you will not get the same candid answer he would give to his friends. Sometimes it might not even make sense. Like a guy might be attracted to the armpit of a woman and not know why.

What I want to do is give a perspective on what men find attractive in women, but from a man’s honest thoughts. 

1 Confidence That Captivates”

Are men attracted to confident women ? you bet. Confidence is something that is attractive in both sexes, but not when it comes across as arrogant. Confidence not just for physical appearance, but owning one’s strengths and carrying it with grace is something men cannot look away from.

When a woman confidently expresses Her thoughts, engages in challenging conversations, pursues her goals with discipline and diligence, it leaves a lasting impression. 

I am really attracted to intelligence in a woman for example. I really like to talk to women that are a subject matter expert in the things they pursue. Men understand how much dedication and effort goes into perfecting something, and we really value that.

You should improve your confidence as a woman to attract like minded guys. Set and achieve small goals, then talk about them to men. You have seen men talking to each other, we value this sort of thing. 

Confidence is a quality that will speak for itself, leave a lasting impression and is the foundation to building a truly attractive persona. 

2 The Power of Laughter

Do men find funny women attractive? We most certainly do. I find myself having to tone down my humour around women, and this is expected. Men can be pretty brutal with their jokes, so we should tone it down a little at times. 

However, if we come across a lady, and the attraction is mutual and we share the same sense of humour. Well this would hold a special place in the heart of any man. Women like a funny guy right, so why wouldn’t men like a funny woman. 

Not only does a woman with a good sense of humour bring laughter to a relationship, but it creates a light hearted atmosphere. Men also feel a lot more free and be able to behave a lot more naturally around their partner, always a plus. 

You could share a funny story, appreciate the banter between him and his friends, maybe even chime in a little from time to time. Embrace your own sense of humour, and not only will you be more attractive, you will also add joy to any relationship you are in. 

3 Brains and Beauty

Are men attracted to intelligent women? Undoubtedly so. Intelligence is an undeniably attractive quality in both men and women. A lot of men, including myself, find themselves drawn to women with a sharp mind and intellectual curiosity. 

Having a really in depth conversation with a woman on a topic she knows as much as, or even more about than you can be a serious attraction. Sharing insights, showcasing knowledge, and having an understanding of various topics can create a profound connection. 

You don’t even have to be an expert. Think of when a man has more of a connection to his emotional side, is this not always a turn on for women. It’s the same for men.

If you start talking about a sport, or something like engines or pokemon card collections and you have even the most rudimentary knowledge, this will surely impress a man too. 

You should always embrace your own intelligence, and stay informed about a large number of topics that are popular in the public eye. This always gives you a topic to talk about and assures you can keep a conversation going on any level. 

Of course, you should still learn about what interests you, you don’t just want to have surface level intelligence. This is just to get the conversation going, then you can really impress a man with some deep knowledge on a topic. 

If you ever find that your intelligence is making a man feel uncomfortable, or he gets annoyed about it, leave! If the intelligence of another intimidates and doesn’t spur you on to do better, then you have some maturing to do.

4 Authenticity Wins

Do men like honest women? This doesn’t even need answering. Sure, there are some men out there that for some reason like to suffer in toxic relationships as it covers up for their own misdoings. But as a general rule, everyone should be as honest as they can be. 

When you first meet someone, you are rarely meeting the real person, more a representative of their character. As time goes on, men appreciate a woman who is comfortable in their own skin. 

It takes time and trust, but men really like women who embrace their quirks, their vulnerability, openness allowing both partners to be their true selves without judgement. 

Authenticity in a partner gives each a real sense of trust in a relationship. Men don’t want to be guessing how you feel all the time, or how what we say affects you, if we should make a joke or not. 

Be open about who you truly are, what you like, don’t like. Must/must not haves, what you will tolerate, let us know exactly what you expect and everything always works out much better.

5 Be A Pillar of Support 

Are men attracted to supportive women?

Sometimes men may not even need a solution to a problem, just someone there to listen without judgement and to support us. Of course, you don’t support when the thoughts are outright wrong, but you still don’t need to say anything in the moment, just let him get the thought out. 

Men really appreciate a woman that becomes a reliable pillar for them to lean on in times of need. Someone they can rely on in a challenge, and celebrate with in victory. 

It’s more than just saying the right words, it’s the willingness to want to be there in times of need when encouragement is needed. A supportive nature creates a really strong bond, and when a Man can trust and rely on their partner it’s very hard to break that. 

I know men can be a little annoyed at the smaller things in life, but don’t pull him up on it, not all the time anyway. The problem might be something completely different, and it starts with frustration at something much smaller. 

Have a little patience, listen a little more and don’t have an opinion, just be there. The when the time comes you can have the discussion, but be a support before a critic.

6 Chasing Dreams Together

Are men attracted to ambitious women? 

This is something I have battled with over the years. I am very driven, and will wake up early, go to bed late, work tirelessly in the pursuit of something I am trying to attain. My goal has always been to better life for those around me, but this can cause a lot of issues in a relationship.

If you want to avoid this, you need to be chasing some goal or ambition together, or have an understanding of what it will take before you get serious in a relationship.

If a man is trying to get a business going, or is dedicated to a sport on which their livelihood relies on, you should not get in the way. Being successful in anything takes a lot of effort and sacrifice.

Some women just do not understand this and want you to watch tv with them every night, go to farmers markets on a sunday, waste a whole weekend sitting in a park or having brunch with friends. This is not going to get you out of the rat race. 

If you do not support your man’s goals and actively hinder them by complaining all the time that there is not enough time for you, you should simply leave. It is not fair that men should lower their ambitions because you hold emotions over us to manipulate us. 

If you are an ambitious woman, or just support your man’s goals because you know it is for the better good, then show support. This also means that the man should alter things a little to accommodate your needs also. 

But you should walk with us or step out of the way. 

7 Embracing Playful Moments

Do men like funny women?

Why are men so childish? Why can’t men be serious? Well why would you want to grow up and be a bore !

Men should not behave like children, clean up after themselves, be serious when they need calls, cook etc… But, we don’t need to have a stick up the rear end all the time. 

A woman who knows to embrace funny moments, has an adventurous spirit, someone ready to explore new experiences and approach life with a sense of play is a diamond in the rough for man. 

It could be a new hobby, and adventure trip, or just being silly and rolling around in the park. Finding humour in the little things, spontaneous trips with a fun aspect,embracing playfulness brings refreshing energy to a relationship.

And if you are around your guy when he makes stupid jokes with his friends, stay out of it, don’t judge as the joke was not meant for you. 

The same way attractive women are drawn to funny men, men are also really attracted to a woman with a well rounded sense of humour. 

If you google dad jokes, and just tell your man one of these every morning, you will create a very strong bond with minimum effort, we are simple creatures, no scheming needed. 

8 Balancing Physical Attractiveness

Without a doubt, there is a type of woman that a lot of men are going to be attracted to. A woman that is physically in shape always has an allure for men, and this is because the optimum figure of a body is to be in shape. 

Even sculptures from thousands of years ago depict the physical form of a man or a woman in peak shape. But this is not true for all men of course, exceptions will apply. 

Everyone has their own preferences.

Overall though, everyone should take care of their health and be dedicated to your fitness. It’s not only the end result, but the level of effort that goes into something that attracts a man. 

Women are attracted to healthy-looking men, but especially to those who seem to be.

Women expect men to be tall, fit, successful, funny, but when men require the same from women, we are not being fair somehow. I think this is unfair and it should be equal across the board.

If you expect a man to have good hygiene, work out all the time, dress well, always be in shape then you should expect that we would find the same thing attractive in a woman. 

9. The Allure of Independence

Are men intimidated by an independent woman?

Some men who like control will like a more submissive woman, and some women like to be more submissive in a relationship and let the man take control. If this works for you then fine, but most men are not like that.

Men like a woman with a sense of self and who pursue their interests and goals with discipline and effort. Having your own independence contributes to a healthy relationship, making sure no one partner is more reliant on the other. 

You don’t have to emotionally distance yourself to be independent. It’s about pursuing your own interests, working on your own personal growth, celebrating the uniqueness of each person in the partnership. 

Being strong independently creates the space for both partners to strive, and when you put the two together you have a much more powerful relationship. 

10 The Heartfelt Connection

Men are attracted to a nurturing environment, somewhere they can feel safe to be themselves. It’s hard enough having to put forward a tough persona all day to the world where it’s expected, but when you get home to your partner you want to let those defences down. 

A woman who projects kindness on to her partner and to those around her creates a positive and nurturing atmosphere. If men feel that you genuinely have their best interest at heart, and can let their shields down around you, it is very hard to break that bond. 

One of the best ways to do this is by actively listening. Show kindness, empathy, and understanding before you give an opinion or try to solve a problem. Men just need to get things off of their chest sometimes and need a lending ear. 

When a woman brings kindness and empathy into a relationship, she becomes deeply attractive, but also contributes to the emotional well-being, connection and health of the relationship. 


Everyone is unique, and there is no cookie cutter template for what a man will find attractive in a woman. A lot of what I have talked about from personal experience, and leaning on those of friends and family. 

I live a life with a lot of hobbies that attract mostly men. I work out every day, I do contact sports, I hike, I go to conferences and I am always around a lot of men and we talk a lot. 

Not representative of every man, but I think I have a good idea generally speaking of what a man finds attractive. So apart from all of the obvious, I wanted to add a bonus section for some lesser known things men are attracted to in women. 

Bonus: Attractive Qualities List:

What scents are men attracted to?

So you have the obvious smells of perfume, shampoos, oils, cream, but what are some other smells guys are attracted to?

How about the natural scent of a woman? Everyone has their own smell, and guys can be really attracted to this. Of course, this will also depend on your diet, which is why I stress the importance of good health. 

When you are aroused, you will notice your sweat smells different. Some people want to cover this with perfume, but you should really be attracted to this. It is a scent given off naturally by the body at that moment for a reason. 

Some guys are aroused by the smell of a woman fresh out of the gym. Some guys like the smell of wet hair fresh out of the shower, maybe even the smell of a woman’s feet !

So the next time your guy is leaning into you taking a big whiff, don’t ask what He is smelling, just be thankful He is attracted to your essence. 

Why are married men attracted to me?

I think there are a couple of reasons guys are attracted to married women. 

It is either getting the unattainable, something you are not supposed to have and proving you can do it. Also, if you sleep with a married woman, you have no worries of commitment. 

I never advise anyone to do this, but hey, consenting adults. 

Why are men attracted to legs?

I am no psychologist, and only know what my opinion is, and I love a good pair of legs. I am a tall guy, so I like long, strong legs. This is a reflection of all I see good in myself, and I keep fit, so I want the same in a partner. 

You also have cultural influences, they are a symbol of fitness, a sexual attraction, and biological instincts. 

Men equate a strong, fit, long pair of legs with strength and overall physical fitness. If you are physically fit, you are also disciplined and hardworking. 

So we are not as shallow as you may think. We know the sacrifice it took to get those legs, and that is what we are attracted to more. 

Why are men attracted to older women?

I would love to come up with some really scientific answers here, like mommy issues, wanting to be taken care of and all of that, but I just think its culture. 

I was always led to believe it was an achievement to sleep with an older woman when I was a kid, and all visual material we saw also made us think the same. It’s always portrayed as something naughty, and men like it. 

There’s also the experience, the comfort older women have in the bedroom and in life as a whole. An older woman is also mature in her ways, doesn’t play as many games, is not unsure, confident, all things that men are attracted to as a whole. 

Are guys attracted to mean girls?

As far back as you want to go, men have always fallen prey to a femme fatale. For some reason, men are attracted to bad girls, just as much as girls are attracted to bad guys. It is simply just more fun. 

You know you are going to get up to mischief, have sex in some crazy places, get into some ornament smashing arguments, but there is still a certain attraction to it. This has its place in life though, you don’t want this to be how your life partner is. 

When you’re young, or on holiday and find a little romance, having a bit of a crazy time can make for some good memories. Don’t allow too much crazy in your life though, maybe mature together and look back on them times. 

Are guys attracted to dark or bright red more?

You always see a woman in a nice red dress, red blush, red lipstick, red shoes and it’s supposed to be the sexiest colour on a woman. Now this won’t be the same for all men, but it will always get a man’s attention. 

The reason is actually quite simple. When you are aroused, when you have exerted some effort, what colour is your skin? Your lips get full, your skin warm to the touch, face visibly flush, it is simply this. 

Red is the colour your body projects when it is aroused, and our brain knows this, hence all the red.