why guys like short girls

25 Reasons Why Guys Like Short Girls – From A Tall Guy

For me, a tall guy at 6’3, there is something undoubtedly charming and cute about a shorter woman. Their petite frame, the cute and compact features, It is just something I am really attracted to and find myself drawn to shorter women in at least the initial attraction.

Height is obviously not the most important factor in a successful relationship, but the initial appeal is where it all starts. Your reasons for having a preference for shorter girls could be that you feel more masculine because of the difference in size, the sense of protectiveness you get, the confidence boost this all gives you. Or, you may simply be attracted to shorter women.

I think it is a common misconception that all guys want a tall and leggy Victoria’s Secret model, when in reality there are plenty of men that are attracted to shorter girls. From the physical appeal to the attitude and emotional connection, there are plenty of reasons why tall guys like short girls, and what I want to do is talk through some of these reasons.

Why do guys like short girls?

why do guys like short girls

These reasons are based on my own experiences, and research I have done to better understand why it is that taller guys are attracted to shorter girls. I spoke to a lot of my friends and family who are also in agreement with me, but I wanted to delve a little deeper in to the reasons and make better sense of this.

I will share with you 21 reasons why I believe guys are attracted to shorter women, and hope to bring a little clarification to this from a tall guy’s perspective.

1- Guys feeling more protective around shorter girls

Taller guys may feel a sense of protectiveness against a shorter woman which brings out the natural feeling of needing to protect something you love. This can be a desirable quality in a partner if it brings out a primal feeling within you. This is one of the main reasons guys like shorter girls, it makes us feel more masculine.

2- Height Difference

Guys can be attracted to shorter girls purely because of the height difference. The height difference can be appealing and a preference for some guys, even potentially romantic. It can also be a way for a guy to feel more dominant, although He doesn’t have to behave in this way, just the confidence that feeling gives is enough to be a factor of attraction.

3-  Guys find short girls cuter

The cuter factor is a big reason tall guys like shorter girls. Shorter girls appear to be more youthful and innocent, have petite and smaller features like smaller hands, feet and facial features which can be considered cute.

Shorter girls also have an adorable demeanour that tall guys find cute. Due to their height, shorter girls can also come across as more feminine and vulnerable, and really bring out the protective instinct in a man making a guy even more attracted to the height difference.

what clothes guys find cute

4-  Short girls are easier to carry

Ok this may seem silly, but as a big and tall guy myself, I really like being able to easily pick a girl up and give Her a hug, spin Her around and for it to feel easy. It obviously makes us feel stronger, more masculine, and being able to pick up someone you really like and also give them that sense of strength and security is a big factor in guys liking short girls.

5- Short girls give guys a confidence boost

This one seems to be obvious, that if you are taller, stronger and also give the woman you are with the feeling of security thus making them feel more confident, the same happens to you. As a guy, you feel more confident, stronger, more attractive as all of your dominant traits are being brought out by being with a shorter girl.

I don`t believe shorter girls need my protection, they are more than capable of doing this for themselves. But the feeling is still there and this improves the relationship a lot because it gives you both confidence and security.

6-  Short girls seem more feminine

The attraction between a guy and short girl can be purely because of the more feminine features we perceive shorter girls to have. Some guys like taller girls, bigger girls, more masculine girls, but for some of us we are attracted to smaller hands, smaller feet, smaller facial features and this is just a preference.

7-  Societal Expectations

Society usually portrays the perfect couple as a tall man with a shorter girl. The girl being the image of femininity and the guy being the masculine. Because we grow up seeing this in movies, magazines, social media and in many other forms we tend to think and feel this is the ideal match up.

If you are with a shorter woman just because you think it will be more accepted, then this is the wrong reason and you need to build your relationship on a stronger foundation than this,

8-  Short girls have quirky personalities

Guys are attracted to shorter girls because of an original personality. Shorter girls often have unique personalities, and this is a major attraction to a taller guy. I really like a shorter girl than me, and I find they usually have a cuter laugh, gestures that make me laugh and find Her more attractive. Not to say taller girls do not have the same, but the effect is different with the height difference.

9- Shorter girls have a youthful energy

I don’t know if this is just perception, but shorter girls tend to have more enthusiasm and are more playful. As a guy attracted to shorter girls, I can tell you this is one of the most attractive qualities I find in a woman, playfulness and energy. Coupled with the fact that I am already attracted to shorter girls and I am a lot more reserved, the mixture of personalities give a lot of balance.

10- Sex with a shorter girl is different

When it comes to intimacy, it is easy to understand why guys like shorter girls. The attraction you feel for the height difference, the masculine and protective feelings this brings out in you are all accentuated in the bedroom. All of this masculine energy you have and the femininity this makes a shorter girl feel makes for a lot of passion and fun in the bedroom. Also, just to mention that maneuverability is also a lot easier!

11-  Shorter girls are come across as more Innocent

Guys are attracted to a shorter girl’s innocence, or at least the presumption as they are not all so innocent. As I mentioned, it’s not that shorter girls are weak and vulnerable, it’s just the feeling the stature brings out in a man that is important here. The image of innocence and purity can be a real attraction for taller men.

12- Shorter girls are more confident

On the flip side, tall guys can be attracted to shorter girls because of their confidence. Although we have our preconceptions of a short girl, once you get to know them deeper, you may find that behind that exterior there is a really confident person behind. It doesn’t mean all of the softer qualities are not valid, but girls know how they are perceived and can develop a really strong and confident personality because of this, and this confidence can be an attraction for taller men.

13- Shorter girls have a gentle & sweet voice

All features are more petite on a shorter woman, and this can be the same for the voice too. Adding to the cute factor, a reason guys are attracted to short girls can be as simple as liking their voice. Adding to everything else we have spoken about, give Her a cute and petite voice, a nice laugh and it’s a winning combination.

14- Short girls have a more proportional body

A shorter girl can have a more proportional body than a taller girl, and this can be added to the reasons a guy is attracted to a shorter girl. It is never really one particular reason, it is an accumulation of things that makes us attracted to someone, so you can be proportional and not a nice person. There have to be a number of things you are attracted to to make any relationship last.

15- Shorter girls dress more feminine

This is not always the case, but a short and petite girl usually has a more feminine and delicate clothing style. A slim shirt with a little cardigan on a short and petite girl is a look that will always grab my attention. A personal preference of course as a pair of boots and some combats may be the preference of others. But for me, short, feminine, delicate clothing are all up there for what I like in short girls as a taller man.

16- It is better to snuggle with a short girl

short girls hug better

I hear from girls that they like cuddling taller and bigger guys, but I can give you the feeling from a taller guy’s perspective. As a taller guy, hugging a shorter girl is a really nice feeling. To be able to wrap your arms the whole way around Her gives you a feeling of being as close as you can possibly get to someone in a physical sense. You also feel Her vulnerability and How she feels safer closer to you. This brings you together emotionally, so a hug is not just a hug, there is more to it.

17- Complementing Each other

If you are a tall guy with a tall girl, this can create some conflict where you are both battling for dominance in a way. The same way a guy feels more confident being tall, it is the same for a woman. A taller guy likes a shorter girl because He feels the difference in height is complementary for both.

18- Shorter girls are more approachable.

This is also a matter of perception, and because a lot of guys will feel that shorter girls are sweeter, more petite, more feminine, it makes it easier for us to approach and get to know them. This is definitely not true for all women as short or tall, you should have the confidence to approach and speak to a girl you like, but reality is what it is. If not just the attraction, the height difference will give a guy more confidence to approach a shorter woman. This is a simple reason but can make a shorter girl more attractive to a guy.

19- Protective Instinct

A combination of the reasons we have already outlined bring out the protective instinct in a man. When you are around someone you love and you feel the need to protect them, you will naturally produce more testosterone so you are prepared to act at any moment. This doesn’t have to come out in aggression, instead I feel like I am much gentler and thoughtful about making sure the woman I am with feels happy and secure more than wanting to prove my manliness.

20- Evolutionary Biology

In the majority of cultures, men are always depicted as taller than women. Over time we have evolved to be more attracted to shorter women because they are perceived as more vulnerable and feminine. This is what triggers that protective instinct in men that draws our attention more to a shorter girl.

There are some studies that show men prefer women with a lower BMI (body mass index), and this is more commonly found in shorter women.

21- Cultural norms and media

What the media portray to be the perfect couple is definitely a factor and changing the ways some of us see the perfect couple. From an aesthetic point everything we see in the media shows us a taller and more muscular man is best accompanied by a petite short female. This does not have to be true, but if it is what you have seen depicted for your whole life, your brain will tell you this is what you should look for in a partner.

22- It’s sweeter to kiss a shorter girl

This is something I find really attractive. When you are kissing a shorter girl, she has to look up at you, get closer to you, grab you around the neck and this just makes the whole interaction a lot sweeter for me. You can brush your hands through Her hair, lift Her chin or just lift Her up entirely.

23- Shorter girls like bigger men

I think we all see that the biggest, tallest, fittest man tends to get more attention and choice when it comes to finding a partner. If you are aware that a short girl is attracted to your size, you will use this to your advantage, and it will also make you feel a lot more confident in yourself.

If you know someone is attracted to certain traits, and you have these traits, then this is a massive confidence boost. It doesn’t mean that you will be able to get any girl you want, but it gives you a leg up because you already passed in the aesthetics department.

24- Guys may see tall girls as masculine

Let me say that just because a girl is tall does not mean she is manly or more masculine than shorter girls. This is all a matter of perception, and a taller woman may intimidate a man and make them less likely to approach or be attracted to them. That being said, if you are attracted to a woman, but intimidated then you probably need to work on your own confidence and learn to appreciate the beauty in all things.

25- Shorter girls look sexy in a guys shirt

short girls are sexy

Ok so I don’t know how much of a reason this can be, but seeing a girl shorter than me wear one of my shirts just does something to me. I don’t know the reason, but if I am just sitting there chilling on the couch and she walks in the room wearing one of my shirts, we are going straight back to the room.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any science based reasons guys like shorter girls?

There are a few theories suggested as to why some guys prefer shorter girls, but attraction is something very complex and cannot really be boiled down to one particular thing. There are a couple of scientifically backed studies that have come to some conclusions that make sense:

In a relationship, do tall guys feel more protective of shorter women?

I don’t feel like it is as simple as we feel like protecting a smaller woman, that would be a pretty antiquated way to think. Women are also more than capable of taking care of themselves, so we should not want to take that away from them, but add to the security they feel and build on it as a couple.
I can say from my own experiences, I like being a big and tall guy who is capable of protecting himself and those around. I have always kept fit, been involved in contact sports, and this was by design, as I never wanted to feel vulnerable or be in a situation where I could not at least defend myself.

When you already think like this as a man, these feelings are magnified when you meet a girl you like and biologically feel the need to protect them in all aspects, not just physically. Of course past experiences and what you have seen as an example play a role in how you approach any relationship. You also build a preference over time for how you like to behave in a relationship based on feedback.

Ultimately, how protective a guy feels about a girl He is in a relationship with depends on a lot of factors we have discussed, but all relationships need to be built on trust, communication and mutual respect once you get past the aesthetics.

Does being a shorter woman make a tall guy feel more masculine?

It is by no means universal, but the height you are in a relationship can influence how you define your gender role in your relationship. The height you are as a man can make you feel more or less masculine, coupled with a shorter, more feminine partner who likes to be protected in that way will definitely increase how masculine a man feels.

Some men in relationships with shorter women can feel more masculine and protective in the relationship. This can be because it affirms the gender norms, and fits in with what we deem acceptable, or simply because we want to feel like that protector. This is only valid though if your partner is in agreement and likes to feel protected, this is what gives you the confidence.

I have three daughters, and how protective I feel about them is not something I could put into words, it is a way of being. However, if I have a partner, this has to be balanced, because people need to feel like they can protect themselves and be confident before you accept or they give you that responsibility. Otherwise it can create an imbalance in the relationship.

But in short, I would say yes, guys feel more masculine when they are dating a shorter girl. Just don’t let it go to your head, be humble, and remember she doesn’t need saving.

What is the benefit of dating someone shorter than you?

I don’t know if I felt that it was an advantage just to have a shorter girlfriend, but the feelings and attitude dating a shorter girl bring to the forefront can be seen as an advantage. If you feel like you need to protect someone then you will generally be more alert, and this is good in any case.

If you are a tall guy with a short girl, the height difference, and the fact that you feel the need to protect that person can make you more confident, and this will carry through to other aspects of your life. If you are more confident most of the time, then the rest of your life would improve.
I keep fit and healthy for myself first, but I also tell my daughters that if I ever have the need to chase someone to save them, then I also need to be on top of my game. This is the same for a girl or anyone I am with. I feel a responsibility to protect those I care about, so I am conscious to always be the best version of myself physically and mentally.

Do short girls like tall guys?

This is probably one of the most important questions. I can like short girls as much as I want, but they need to like me back. Like any other physical characteristic height is something that women can be attracted to. If you are a tall man, and in shape, successful in what you do and give off an all around confident vibe, all of this together is something that is attractive in any person.

Facts about short girls

If you are still not convinced, let me give you a few more facts about short girls to give you some more reasons why tall guys like short girls.

  1. Short girls tend to live longer: Studies have shown than shorter girls may have a longer life expectancy, so they will be around longer. I think that’s a pretty good reason.
  2. Short girls make for great cuddles: I don’t know where they learn this skill, but short girls really know how to give you a cuddle. Maybe its just the protective instinct kicking in, but I love a good snuggle with a shorter girl 
  3. They can wear high heels: If a girl is tall and puts on a pair of heels, they can be taller than the man, and this can make a man feel a little emasculated. A shorter girl can wear heels around a taller guy without making him feel self conscious. 
  4. Short girls are underestimate: Although we are drawn in by all the cute aspects of a shorter woman, they are just as capable and fierce as the next person. So to know you have a petite and cute partner that can be a tiger at any moment is quite the turn on. 
Final words on tall guys and short girls dating.

As I have said, I don’t feel like any one single reason can be pointed to as to why guys like shorter girls, and it is obviously not all guys that like girls shorter than them, as you also see the opposite at times. Something I will say though is at 6’3 I am always going to be taller than the majority of women.

If the height difference is a lot, then it is probably just a really good match in that the tall guy likes the short girl and the girl likes tall guys. But in general, guys are taller than girls, this is just a fact. I don’t go out specifically looking for a shorter girl, but I know that my preference is a short girl who I deem to be cute, has a petite style of dress and likes what a taller, bugger, more confident man brings to a relationship.

All relationships need to be built on trust, honesty and things like compatibility, but we all have our tastes and preferences. Once you get past the physical appearance, there is still a lot to work through before you have a strong relationship, but it starts with the physical.

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